Downloading and installing PhotoMix
Download PhotoMix from:
We recommend you to use download manager to download the installation file.
How to use PhotoMix download manager
Follow this link
to download PhotoMix download manager.
Launch PhotoMix download manager.
In the window that appears, press "Start" button. Mind that at this
moment you must be connected to Internet. If you are using a firewall,
you need to allow the download manager to connect to Internet.
When you have downloaded PhotoMix installation file, press "Install"
button in the dialog box of the download manager to start installing PhotoMix.
Installing PhotoMix
Launch the downloaded installation file.
If there were no errors during the download process, you'll see the installation
window. In this window, press "Next" button.
License agreement
If you accept the license agreement, select "I accept the agreement"
option. Then, press "Next" button. If you don't accept the license
agreement, press "Cancel" button. If you do so, PhotoMix won't be
installed on your computer.
Choosing installation directory
In the next window, select the program installation directory. Press "Next"
Specifying additional options
In the window that appears, specify whether you wish to add icons to your desktop
and/or Quick Launch menu. We recommend that you should add the program icon
to your desktop to quickly access PhotoMix. Press "Next" button.
Starting installation process
Press "Install" button.
Wait till the program is installed to your computer.
To launch the program, you can use either Windows "Start" menu or
PhotoMix icon on your desktop.
Group, Inc. © 2005